Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Morning Meetings with Max: July 29th, 2008

Hey everyone, here's the morning meeting for Tuesday, July 29th. Sorry it's a bit too long today. I'm going to get better at this as it keeps happening.

And as always, thanks for listening.


ol' auntie said...

Nice post Max. She is a special lady. We are lucky b/c there is a little bit of her personality in all of us, especially you.
ol' auntie

Russless said...

When my boss walked over and found me watching youtube this morning I was worried I was going to have to make something up about a virtual morning meeting (which I WAS having. sort-of).

Luckily my boss likes me and doesn't ask questions.

Enjoyed the first edition. Looking forward to the second.

Ms. T said...

Love you cuz!
Kinder words could not be said about our darling Grandma. You had me crying! Take care :)

Fashion Crimes said...

after the first morning meeting I am hooked. Thanks for the zap of positivity today, max!

looking forward to more...